10 Qoutes in the Bhagavad Gita that Show the Meaning of Life

The Bhagavad Gita echoes in all cultures and religions.
You must have heard about the Bhagavad Gita regardless of your religious background.

The Gita is a portion of a larger epic, the Mahabharata, containing 700 verses. It includes the conversations between Arjuna and Krishna. 

On the surface, the Bhagavad Gita is a religious tale of a warrior, but years of study have shown that the Gita reveals many vital lessons that have been helping people around the world to date.

Whether it's stress, depression, anxiety, fear, or any other disturbance, the Gita has an answer for you. 

Here are some translated quotes to give you a little idea.

Given the complex language it is written in, it can be challenging to understand what the dialogues between Krishna and Arjuna entail.

“Our thoughts constitute our perspective, behavior, feelings, and actions. Negative thinking can reflect negatively on your own behavior and actions.”

“True serenity lies in realizing the impermanence of life on Earth and its true purpose. Trusting the process and avoiding getting stuck in our failures is essential.”

“Everything happens for a reason. Things may get tricky, but whatever happens happens for good. Have faith because God has a plan for everyone.”

“Be calm, gentle, pure, and temperate. No matter the situation, staying calm and mindful will prove valuable.”

“Detach from material things to find inner peace. Don't let external factors determine your happiness, for they are temporary.”

“Be who you want to be. Do what you want to do. Be true to yourself. Follow your dreams, not other's expectations.”

“You came to this world with nothing and will leave empty-handed as well.

Practice detachment from material things. They will only bring temporary satisfaction.”

“Your beliefs are a part of who you are. Be true to your beliefs. See yourself in a positive light. Your impression of yourself is the only thing that matters.”

“Don't work for material gain. If you want to achieve something, first work hard for it. The results will show in their own time.”

“If you want to achieve freedom, don't justify your actions. Believe in karma. Detach from desires.”

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