Elections are held to choose a person or group of people to occupy official positions.
The system of democracy gives power to the common mass to choose their leader.
Therefore, in a democratic system, the opinion and participation of the common people or the citizens become an important factor.
The vote of every citizen regardless of their gender, class, religion counts in choosing a leader.
This system is to ensure that a leader who is worthy rather than being rightful is chosen by the common mass, whom they believe can benefit them the most.
This promotes in the leader the duty of working for common good and ensuring the proper carrying out of law and justice and reduces the risks of nepotism.
Besides being each citizen's right to vote, it is also their duty to choose an eligible leader for their country.
In India only people who are eighteen years of age are allowed to vote. This is to ensure that the participating citizens are all adults.
With the passing of age comes experience and responsibility. It makes us capable of exercising our voting rights better.
Moreover, in a democratic system, even the citizens should be worthy, aware and responsible enough to exercise their right of choosing a leader.
Education and spreading political awareness within children is the key to build up their responsible characters as they grow up.
The more educated and practically experienced one is, the lesser chance they bear of being beguiled by the false promises in choosing their government.
Citizens also need to be aware of their needs and not be easily deceived by tactics often used by a corrupt government in diverting their attention from it.
As the participation of the citizens in election become pivotal in democracy, we must note that only an eligible voter can choose an eligible government.