It's ok to loose friends in 20's

Friendships formed during childhood or early adolescence might seem unbreakable at the time. 

But as you grow and experience new opportunities, priorities shifts.

In your 20s, you are discovering your identity, values, and aspirations. this can lead to shifts in your interests and perspectives.

It's natural to realize that what matters most is the quality of the connections you have, rather than the quality.

Greiving the loss of a friendship is a valid and natural response. it's okay to feel sadness, nostalgia, or even confusion as you navigate this transition.

While you may be losing friends, remember that your 20s also present ample opportunities to make new connections.

In your 20s, as you embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, it's natural for friendships to evolve as well.

Friendships, like seasons, have their own natural rhythm. there are times when friendships are intense and close, other time when they naturally recede

While it's important to cherish existing friendships, it's equally vital to remain open to new connections.

Embrace the opportunity to meet new people, whether through work, hobbies, or social events.

Resilience is a skill that can help you navigate the changes in friendships with grace.

Remember, the essence of friendship lies not just in its duration, but in the quality of the connections you cultivate.

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